Stottle Commercial Light
Stottle Plane Commercial

Great Design Must Be Simple

and must also

be beautiful


The New Stottle™ Container

saves on transport costs

Available in a variety of recyclable plastic materials to suit all industries, the re-usable Stottle™ containers (available in 5, 10, 15 and 20 Litres) have been designed to clip and stack together to significantly reduce shipping space and facilitate easy pre-shipping preparation. The unique design prevents panting where bottles lower in the stack have a tendancy to rupture under the weight pressure from above.

Storage Solution For Most Liquids

The Stottle™ has been designed for storage of liquids and its applications are vast - water, oils, juices and cleaning products, just to name a few. This, together with its clip and stack design, makes Stottle™ ideal for residential, commercial as well as industrial usage.

Applications for Industry

The Stottle™ design makes it attractive to retail in terms of ease of handling and space saving in-store and is an ideal packaging solution for most liquid products. Various custom branded options are available.


Stottles™ can run on some filling lines with minimal adjustments.

The Applications for the
New Stottle™ Container

cover a vast range

of options

The re-usable Stottle™ containers are ideal across a myriad of industries for bulk storage and use of cleaning materials as well as liquids for consumption such as milk, juice, wine, oil, and water.

The tap component allows for easier and more accurate dispensing, reducing wastage, and its space saving in store makes it the ideal packaging solution for liquid products.

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The New Stottle™ Container

is a more contemporary

and attractive

packaging solution

The re-usable Stottle™ can also be refilled and reused as a liquid container again and again, and the tap unit can be easily removed for cleaning, reuse and refilling purposes. This makes the Stottle™ itself an attractive selling point and an ideal packaging vessel for most liquid products.

At its most base level, product packaging serves to protect the product inside. The Stottle™ will keep the liquid product safe during shipment between the manufacturing facility and the retailer, and will prevent and/or reduce damage while the liquid product is displayed on a shelf or floor.

The Stottle™ is available in PET Super Clear and HDPE, the latter being available in all colours, and allows for printed card sleeves or label stickers in varying sizes to be affixed for display purposes.

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Stottle™ Design By

John Hegarty & Sean McCormack

Blow Moulding Machine & Technology By

Bekum USA

Tap Designed & Supplied By


Patent Pending & Designs Registered

Custom Branding Available

While great care is taken to achieve the highest standards, Stottle™ does not assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application of use of any of its products

Aqua Storage Retainers Ltd. · Nenagh Road · Thurles · Co. Tipperary · Ireland

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