

I have always been fascinated by water. Water is our most important and life sustaining commodity and one that we should all share equally. The reality, sadly, is very different.

My first objective was to really understand the global water crisis. The fact that 800 million people - men, women and children - do not have access to clean and safe drinking water in this day and age is deplorable. By drinking contaminated water they are prone to a host of other major health problems - all because they cannot access safe drinking water.

Then I learned about "Sodis" (Solar Water Disinfection) - a simple and cost effective solution that has the backing of Humanitarian bodies such as WHO and UNICEF. In essence, by integrating a "Mylar" highly reflective coating on one side of a container that is filled with contaminated water it can then be left out in the sun and cleansed of all harmful bacteria to produce safe drinkable water.

My second objective was to design the solution. Drawing on my experience as an industrial designer, I set about designing a container that was easy to use and easy to carry. it had to be simple, cost effective and suit existing production line. Moreover, as it's being used every day, it needed to have a shelf life of at least two years, be made of recyclable plastic and have end of life ability to be put to further use.

The result is a unique water container called Stottle™. By marrying the Stottle™ design with the Sodis purification system the Solar Stottle™ was born.

Every family without access to safe drinking water can be given just two ten litre Solar Stottle™ containers - one for drinking, while the other (filled with contaminated water) is lying under the sun being purified. This system is alternated each day so that there is safe drinking water available at all times. It is amazing that this simple system makes such a huge difference in their daily lives and protects the health of the entire family.

Having studied water in all its facets over the last twenty years, Solar Stottle™ is my solution to have clean drinking water available to all in the third world and help eradicate this senseless destruction and waste of life.

John Hegarty | Inventor


Introducing the

Revolutionary New Global 'Clean Water' Solution

Available in a variety of recyclable plastic materials to suit all industries, the re-usable Solar Stottle™ containers (available in 5,10,15 and 20 litres) have been designed to clip and stack together, to significantly reduce shipping space and facilitate easy pre-shipping preparation. The unique design prevents panting where containers lower in the stack have a tendency to rupture under the weight pressure from above.

The Solar Stottle™ can be refilled and reused as a liquid container again and again, to provide clean and drinkable water through out its estimated life span (2 years) and the tap unit can be easily removed or cleaning, reuse and refilling purposes.

By combining the Stottle™ design and the Sodis water purification system, the Solar Stottle™ is the ideal container to provide safe drinking water and is a system that is easily understood by those it sets out to help. Sodis has the backing of Humanitarian bodies such as WHO and UNICEF and the Solar Stottle™ is the ideal container for this purpose.

Yes; it is a stopgap solution in the effort to have clean running water as an end goal but, with vastly increasing populations in the third world, supplying clean running water will take a very long time to achieve. Meanwhile, the Solar Stottle™ container is the interim answer.

With its easy of carrying, its shelf-life  of two years and its ability to be put to further use in construction thereafter, the Solar Stottle™ container (needing only two per household) remains a cost effective solution that guarantees safe drinking water to those who need it most.


The following table shows a summary of the most important research results. It should be noted that many germs can no longer be detected in very low concentrations. In these cases, it is not possible to provide scientific proof of a 100% reduction.

Escherichia coli Indicator for water quality & enteritis 99.9999%
Vibrio cholera Cholera 99.9999%
Salmonella species Typhus 99.9999%
Shigella flexneri Dysentry 99.9999%
Campylobacter jejuni Dysentry 99.9999%
Yersinia enterocolitica Diarrhoea 99.9999%
Rotavirus Diarrhoea, dysentry 90%
Polio virus Polio 99.9 - 99.99%
Hepatitis Virus Hepatitis Reports from users
Giardia species Disease Cysts rendered inactive
Cryptosporidium species Giardiasis Cysts rendered inactive after >10h exposure
Amoeba species Cryptosporidiasis Not rendered inactive - Water temperature must be above 50°C for at least 1h to render inactive!

Because of the size of the Stottle™ and its launch into the market this year, timings in the sunlight are estimated at a full day in the sunlight in hot climates and two days if it is cloudy.


The Solar Stottle™ is also a very useful and cost effective building material. At the end of its working life, the Solar Stottle™, with suitable reinforcement, can be filled with local clay or sand to produce integrated building blocks that are thermally efficient.

Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS)

Sodis is a type of portable water purification that uses solar energy to make biologically contaminated water safe to drink. The UV-A rays in sunlight kill germs such as viruses, bacteria and parasites (giardia and cryptosporidia). The method also works when air and water temperatures are low.

The Solar Stottle™ is constructed with a Mylar layer which increases the sun's reflective rays and speeds up the purification process. It is made in Super Clear PET allowing the sunlight to penetrate the bottle and rebound from the mirror like a surface to radically improve its purifying capabilities. Its super clear surface also improves the visual appearance of the water.

The Solar Stottle™ has the potential to be manufactured (where possible) in the affected countries where the Solar Stottle™ is needed most. It can create skilled jobs and provide an on-going contribution to the local economy.

SolarStottle_08 scaled

800 million people do not have access to clean & safe drinking water.

Stottle™ is the solution.

Stottle™ Design By

John Hegarty & Sean McCormack

Blow Moulding Machine & Technology By

Bekum USA

Tap Designed & Supplied By


Patent Pending & Designs Registered

Custom Branding Available

While great care is taken to achieve the highest standards, Stottle™ does not assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application of use of any of its products

Aqua Storage Retainers Ltd. · Nenagh Road · Thurles · Co. Tipperary · Ireland

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